And I'm here to tell you that migraine is not your enemy - it is actually trying to protect you and your brain. Discovering this has changed my life - and it will hopefully change yours as well.
I'm committed to taking you from a state of hopelessness, constant use of painkillers and social withdrawal to help you to confidently master your migraine and claim back your life.
I am the founder of MigraKet, a revolutionary medical food. Discover more on: www.migraket.com
Let's get you started
Struggling to find a way out of the migraine vicious cycle? Tried everything and nothing really worked so far?
My Mastering Migraine White Paper provides
a clear and coherent map to safely guide you
along your Mastering Migraine Journey. It is
based on scientific research, inspired by evolution and tested by migraine patients like you and me.
Take the first step and get access to this entirely
free resource now!
You will be learning about my holistic approach
to understanding and managing migraine.
For the first time I presents my Mastering Migraine model, geared for meeting your sensitive migraine brain's energy needs
at all times.
You will find out about the 4 pillars that helped me
to reclaim my life and be able to call myself an ex-chronic migraineur now.
As a bonus I'm providing you with 7 concrete action steps to get you started on your Mastering Migraine Journey right away.

Dr. Elena Gross'
Mastering Migraine Kit
White Paper available in English and German

New YouTube series: Migraine 101
Hi there!
I’ve created a new (entirely free!) online course just for you - “Migraine 101”. Over the past years, I've developed a 4-pillar model for Mastering Migraine and I'm excited to share it with you now on my YouTube channel.
As I cannot answer all questions coming to me individually, I made this course in the hope that it will provide the knowledge you need to Master your Migraine. The videos provide scientific explanations in easy to understand language and ideas and tips for dietary & lifestyle changes that can drastically change your life for good!
Make sure to tune in and let me know whether it helped you in Mastering your Migraine!
The Mastering Migraine
In the last years I have developed a 4 pillar model for mastering migraine. This new 4 video series will guide you through each migraine-mastering technique. The 1st pillar: How to Stabilize Blood Glucose Levels; the 2nd: Increase antioxidant capacity and decrease oxidative stress; the 3rd: optimize micronutrients; the 4th: provide the brain with an alternative energy source.
Learn why these pillars are so important for migraine management and get useful practical tips on how to master them and successfully manage your migraine!
Hit the button on the right to discover more about the 4 pillars of the Mastering Migraine model!

Iris K.
I wish I'd found you 20, even 10 years ago! All your info is on point. So helpful. I hope the whole billion of us migraine sufferers will see your videos and it'll change their lives! Thank you!

Joy M.
Thank you so much. It was helpful to watch your videos and see you describe the past 20 years of my life and share your own struggle. Since your videos, I have successfully aborted three migraines with MCT. I have stopped fasting since I watched your videos about an energy deficit. Just learning this has helped me. Thank you for sharing so much online. I am sure it is helping many people (like me)!

Oliver R.
Dear Elena, I've read and listened to everything I could find about your work online and your ketone research has revolutionised my migraine. Being in ketosis helped me tremendously. You are fantastic and I wish more people knew about your work.